
Friday, March 8, 2019

Greatest Ambition Summary Essay

Morris Lurie was born in Melbourne in 1938. He is better know for his short stories though he has written some novels too. He has won several awards in Australia for fiction. The years spent away from Australia in spontaneous exile form the subject matter of much of his writing. Background/place settingThe main character is a school boy whose greatest intake is to be a comic strip artist. The story explores the uncertainties and trials of being an jejune with unsupportive parents.In the short story My Greatest Ambition by Morris Lurie, we experience the disillusionment of a thirteen-year-old boy as he tries to pass a dream that he initially thought would set him by from all others. Nus illusion is set up when his father calls him a prince right before Nus meeting. It was the first time that his father had complimented him throughout the duration of the memoir. Even though his father was not directly seek to give Nu false hope, the effect of this praise on Nu seemed to point him to that direction. The acknowledgment to a prince relates to success and fortune, which would subconsciously give Nu the impression that he would achieve and become a successful comic strip artist at Boy magazine.The disillusionment begins when he approaches the office. Nu expects the create itself to be grand and fantastic but instead he sees a very mediocre building that looked like a factory. He outlines his disappointment when he says No neon, no massive areas of plate glass, no exotic plants growing in white gravel. Each time he repeated the reciprocation no, it added to his growing sense of disappointment. He also uses repetition with the countersign ordinary as he describes the details of the building, which emphasises his realisation of disillusionment.When Nu is being toured nearly the factory he says, I was eating an ice-cream, which indirectly makes Nu seem to a greater extent immature and out of place. This contrasts from the illusion that Nu had earlier of himse lf walking to work each morningwith a pipe in my (his) mouth. Since his fantasy of being a grown man smoking his pipe and going to work had cancelled into being a 13 year old in a ridiculous suit eating ice-cream, the disillusionment becomes a more orotund factor in the story.

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