
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Fountain Head: Individualism :: essays research papers

The Fountain Head IndividualismIndividualism, the only chemical element which makes a persons character unique.In the Fountain Head, a character binds current to this belief and goes by the nameof Howard Roark. This young architect who had his own stand of the worldand how he envisioned it, was condemned by the media and the public by doing so.Roarks modus vivendi completely perpendiculates the mundane tonestyle that theaverage citizen lives. Roark conforms to only what he considers well-grounded in hisown conscience. The novel opens the door to lead the way against the conquestof conformity. The environment which Howard was placed into didnt help in hissituation to freely expressage his thoughts on certain subjects. This was mainlymade possible by the state who he had come in contact through out the years. legion(predicate) examples of this type of movement atomic number 18 shown by the actions taken by Roarkduring his line of achievement as an architect.All of the actions taken by Roark had a deep key effect on one keyplayer in the novel, Toohey. Toohey with any the power he had with the publicand through the sunrise(prenominal)spaper, was not able to parry Howard into his way ofthinking. The general public who read the Banner had been convinced that Tooheynew what he was talking about on all subjects. His plan to falsify thepublic and gather them as a whole was directly countered with each move thatHoward made. One of these major moves was the building of the Stoddard Temple.With the temple, Roark had the freedom to build whatsoever he choose. This gavehim a medium to express his viewpoint without having any restrictions. afterwardthe delayed unveiling of the temple, it was condemned by the public. At thehead of this group was no other than Toohey. He wrote articles in the newspaperon how the temple in no way represented the human spirit. The temple allowedHoward to display his individualism, his uniqueness, and his self being. Thistemple w as looked down upon because it did not conform to the ancient styles ofarchitecture. Due to the keep down of uniqueness found in the temple, it opposedthe conventional view that life required conformity.Howards special relationship between himself and Gail came aboutbecause of their unique individualism. They twain believe in the same ways ofthinking and therefore they are very much on the same plane of conscienceless.The reason why Gail conformed to society was to play against their trust in thefuture. When the Banner first got started, it ran deuce stories to test which

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