
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Rosa Parks :: essays research papers

     Racism and prejudice has been a problem in the United States for along time. Poeple have been denied human rights such as acquire a fair trial, eating in resturants, or sitting in what ever property they want in a public coach-and-four. In 1955 a woman named genus Rosa Parks took a stand on a public bus in Montgomery Alabama. She refused to give her seat to a white man and was arrested for not doing so. She was scared of the discrimination of the Jim vaunt laws. Jim Crow laws were laws were intended to keep blacks from mixing with whites. IN the Jim Crow laws blacks were indispensable to give thier seats to whites if there were no more seats. This is what happened to Rosa pose on December 1 1955. On her way home from hold out she refused to give her seat to a white man and got arrested. Even though she knew what the consequences were, she decided to take a stand. She knew that she would be arrested, but she decided that she would strive to make a cha nge. Rosa Parks stand was so solid that she is called the mother of the civil rights movement. Her arrest made everyone boycott public busses. direct by Martin Luther King for 381 days blacks carpooled, walked, or found other shipway of getting around. Despite the harassment the boycott continued and was extremely successful. The bus company suffered from the loss of fares, but did not desegregate its busses. In 1965, the casing was brought to court, and segregation of busses was ruled unconstitutional, the busses were officially desegregated on December 21, 1956. The movement Rosa Parks started caused the Civil Rights act of 1964 to be passed and the Voting Rights act of 1965. She was select secretary of the Montgomery branch of the National Advancement of

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