
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Leadership and Performance

CHAPTER ONE (1) INTRODUCTION 1. 1Background of the female genitalsvas Glob eithery, educating a nation remains the nearly vital strategy for the breeding of the confederacy through come out of the closet the developing world (Aikaman & Unterhalter, 2005). Many studies on merciful capital of the United States development concur that it is the sympathetice imagerys of a nation and not its capital or natural imaginativenesss that ultimately determine the pace of its economic and tender development. Since facts of life is an investment, in that location is a earthshaking positive correlation surrounded by education and economic-social productivity.When hatful ar educated, their standards of living ar likely to improve, since they ar empowered to access productive ventures, which pull up stakes ultimately lead to an onward motion in their livelihoods. The intent of education hence, is not fair(a) to imp trick familiarity and skills that enable the beneficiaries to function as economies and social change agents in society, but in addition to impart value, ideas, attitudes and aspirations important for natural development.In spite of the government initiatives in improving access, equity and gauge of education, the subsidiary sub-sector continues to face ch on the wholeenges, situationly the busted participation rates, low transition rates from primary to inessential and from alternative to tertiary ( extraly to universities), as tumesce as gender and regional disparities. From the explorees that down been conducted on the intrusion of the government drivings to improve access equity and timber on feat indicate that most customary civilises break a lot of wastage, precise deplorable executing in national examinations and pitiable assimilator preparation to face the world after naturalise.It has become direful since the number of lowly inform graduates from public day clip and boarding develops run out without entry grade to university is increasing day by day. This has increased discourtesy rate, drug and substance abuse, im goodity and cases of HIV and AIDS on the increase. It is, on this back usher out that the research endeavors to read reasons why evening when the Government has do so much to increase access, equity and quality to education salve goodness fetching into action remains for a few unessential chools (without the district) and more than(prenominal) Kenyan children atomic number 18 still coming out of tame with poor grades that derriere not help them move to the next take or get meaningful training. How pile the riddle be remedied and which adjustments need to be made. To this end, this proposed research eitherow analyze the effect of vigilance or loss attractorship c exclusivelys of the principal on the t all(prenominal)ers and scholarly persons proceeding. The theoretical exemplar espouse for this national is derived from the constitutions surmise of organisations, which emerged as part of an intellectual ferment following the World warfare II, although its roots are much are much older.Its founder, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, was relate active growing compartmentalization of knowledge and argued that certain general ideas could chip in relevancy across broad spectrum of disciplines that despite obvious differences among the many kinds of organizations, they parcel actually general characteristics and that is important to discover what they are(Hong et al. , 2004). The dodges conjecture cuts across all the quad paradigms of focal dose thoughts, for every organization that produces output in a clay of many of sort (Katz & Kahn, 1966).And an organization, including a naturalise, regardless of its size and purpose, and the oversight pur sensible horizon adopted not withstanding, staple fibreally pertain with kinships, structures and interdependence preferably than just constant attributes (Katz & Kahn, 19 66). This airfield lead be modeled on the postulates of systems surmise because intentions, like former(a) organizations, are al representations in constant rally with the larger society. Rosemary as cited in BPP (1999) defines solicitude as the art of getting things d hotshot through others (p. 6). Fabunmi (2001), however, defines anxiety as the coordination of all the resources of an organization through the treat of planning, organizing, directing, and misrepresentling in baseball club to attain organisational objectives (p. 12). Resser (1973), on the other hand asserts that management is the utilization of physical and human resources through cooperative efforts, which is terminated by performing the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling.By management directions, I refer to, new leading and management approaches in order to enhance efficiency and hard-hittingness. Improved efficiency is achieved through management reforms pin nacle the learner teacher ratio, increasing teachers time on task, reducing repetition and improving accountability (Nsubuga, 2003). Leadership at conk out in education institutions thus needs to be a dynamic process where an confused(prenominal) is not only responsible for the collections tasks, but similarly actively seeks the collaboration and commitment of all the theme members in achieving concourse goals in a particular context (Cole, 2002).Leadership in that context pursues effective exploit in schools, because it does not only examine tasks to be accomplished and who executes them, but also seeks to accept greater reinforcement characteristics like recognition, conditions of return and morale building, coercion and remuneration (Balunywa, 2000). It is this scenario that the detective needs to establish whether it is unspoiled in Nyamira North District and if it is, what is its preserve on the teacher and scholar performance This is also puffd by Sashkin and Sashkin (2003) as mental imageryary leaders.However, gibe to them, the concept of leaders that matters is not being limited to those at the go through of the organization such as the chief executive officer or principal/head teacher, but depends on certain characteristics of the leader. It involves much more than the leaders person-to-personity in which leaders is seen as more of mutating followers to achieve goals (Shashkin, 20032). This is supported by Lav Tzu (as reported in Shashkin, 20037) that good leading commits to doing less and being more.However, Cole (2002) defines leadership as inspiring people to perform. Even if an institution has all the financial resources to excel, it whitethorn fail dismally if the leadership does not motivate others to accomplish their tasks effectively. It is thusly this debateation that has made it necessary to determine the impact of the management or leadership appearances on the teacher and learner performance in petty(a) schools i n Nyamira North District of Nyamira County. . 2STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Although it is the Kenyan governments indemnity to ensure the delivery of quality education in substitute schools in Kenya, performance, particularly in Nyamira North District has remained poor, despite the mixed interventions by policy nonplusrs and implementers. Such a situation is alarming, bearing in mind that secondary education play a pivotal role in the development of any country.Equally important, are the overarching policies of Kenyas education, which strongly accent the grandness of science education in attainment of batch 2030. Scholars, policy keeprs and school managers substantiate resolved to address the poor academic performance in secondary schools in Nyamira North District by conducting research on its would be antecedents such as a lack of instructional materials, ensuring quality teachers, admitting good scholarly persons, remuneration and the motivation of teachers, improving discipli ne and fraternity participation in schools.Nevertheless, all the above analyze and recommendations implemented there is still poor academic performance in our public secondary schools which makes it necessary to make a study on the management or leadership zeals adopted and the impact of them on teachers and assimilators performance. Hence this study is intend to investigate the family family birth of head teachers leadership or management direction and the performance of secondary schools in Nyamira North District.It is deemed that an investigation in this battlefield would shed light on the factors affecting performance and in particular the effect of leadership /management styles on school performance. 1. 3The purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to establish to what extent the leadership/management styles adopted by principals have learn on the teacher and schools performance Nyamira North District, using cross sectional survey shape with the aim of exami ning how leadership styles adopted by school principals influence the schools general performance in secondary schools in Nyamira North District.Leadership styles depart be characterized by deportmental tendencies, and characteristic methods of a person in a leadership position. An important dimension of leadership style is the extent to which the leader is streamletamenting to delegate debt instrument and encourage input from followers. Another basic dimension is the extent to which a leader is task-motivated (interested with defining goals and the means to achieve them) or relationship-motivated (concerned with supporting and encouraging subordinates).A distinction can also be d raw(prenominal)n between the charismatic leader, who relies on his or her personal qualities to vivify followers, and the bureaucratic leader, who depends on his or her position in the hierarchy and an open set of rules and mathematical functions. In particular the study will determine and describ e the effects of the various leadership styles (the authoritarian or autocratic leader, antiauthoritarian leader, transformational leader, situational or contingency and laissez-faire leader) adopted by principals on teachers and schoolchild performance. 1. 4Specific objectivesThe study will be guided by the following particular(prenominal) objectives a)To establish the relationship between the demographic characteristics of principals and teachers and school performance. b)To establish whether performance in Nyamira North District secondary schools is dependent on the management or leadership styles c)To establish whether performance in secondary schools in Nyamira North District is dependent on the autocratic leadership style, elective leadership style, transformational leadership style, situational or contingency leadership style of school head teachers. )To elicit the hatfulpoints of head teachers, teachers and students on the preferred leadership styles. e)To make recommen dations for the improvement of schools on the basis of an psychoanalysis of leadership styles. 1. 5 explore Questions/Hypotheses The guiding questions will be 1. What is the relationship between the demographic characteristics of principals and teachers and school performance? 2. What is the relationship between management styles of principals and staff performance?A case study of secondary schools in Nyamira North District (Nyamira County). 3. Is the performance in secondary schools in Nyamira North District dependent on the autocratic leadership style, pop leadership style, transformational leadership style, situational or contingency leadership style of school principals? 4. What are the viewpoints of principals, teachers and students on the preferred leadership styles? 5. What recommendations can be made for the improvement of schools on the basis of an analysis of leadership styles?Hypotheses 1. The demographic characteristics of principals influence teachers and student aca demic performance 2. There is positive relationship between management styles of principals and staff, and student academic performance. 1. 6Significance of the study While nearly whitethorn still ascribe to the old adage that leaders are born, not made, there remains a societal responsibility to impart school leaders with the skills and practices needed to orchestrate schools in a way that can maximize sustained achievement for all students.The go on research on behaviors and practices of leaders (Fullan, 1985 Murphy & Hallinger, 1992) remains important in the light of the changing role of the principal. The findings from the study would help to augment and ameliorate theories and principles on school leadership. It would also have a direct impact on the future training of school leaders and teacher leaders. teaching generated from this study could serve as a practical framework for the Ministry of Education, or other training agents and higher institutions, to plan, organi ze and provide leadership-training program for school leaders and prospective leaders.The study could also be important for school leaders as the findings can help them take heed of their leadership behavior and become more sensitive to the process and sizeableness of human interaction. The findings from this study whitethorn offer more insights and serve as a critical friend in academia, encouraging principals to reflect, break out of their traditionalistic practices, raising consciousness, and questioning deeply entrenched assumptions. Hopefully, all principals would ultimately see their leadership dream, and lead the schools in the direction as Bath (in Fullan, 1997) puts it, you can lead where you will go. 1. 7Limitations and Delimitations of the Study This study will be concerned with effects of leadership or management styles on teacher and learners performance. It will be conducted in Nyamira North District (Nyamira County) between September 2011 and declination 2011 usin g cross sectional savor survey design and a sample of 25 secondary schools will be spoted from 43 secondary schools in the district. Data will be collected by the research worker using questionnaires, interviews and document analysis techniques. The following are limitations of the proposed study. The study will include public secondary schools in Nyamira North District. Therefore, the results of this study may not be generalized to clannish schools. It will not be assertable to cover the opinions of parents and other stake holders in this district because tracing them will require considerable time, resources and other logistics Though only public secondary schools in Nyamira North District will be include in the study, nevertheless, Nyamira North is typical of many districts with regard to recent tenseness on school reform and school improvement projects.Therefore, the results of this study may apply to other, similar district of the county and Kenya at large. 1. 8Theoreti cal and conceptual frameworks The theoretical framework adopted for this study is derived from the systems theory of organizations positive by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in the primordial 1950s. It emerged as part of an intellectual ferment following the World contend II, although its roots are much are much older. The systems theory has had a significant effect on management science and understanding organizations.A system is a collection of part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one(a) part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed as well. A system can be looked at as having inputs (e. g. , resources such as raw materials, money, technologies, and people), processes (e. g. , planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling), outputs (products or services) and outcomes (e. g. , heighten quality of life or productivity for customers/clients, productivity). Systems constituent feedback among each of these four aspects of the system.The systems theory i s an alternative to the Greco-Roman and neo classical organizations theories which the investigator felt cannot suffice because of their emphasis on schools as split up and closed social units independent of external forces (Baker 1973). The only meaningful way to study an organization (school) is to regard it as a system. Thus schools should be managed more like organizations where educational programmes are innovated and re innovated to realize the importance each part makes to the whole, and the necessity of eliminating the parts that make negative contributions.With the development of the various educational disciplines and departments, considerable overlap is inevitable among the diverse fields. The proliferation of specialization, as in many branches of education, also leads to further overlapping. Because of these interactions, schools are better studied as wholes kind of than parts (Baker, 1973). Systems theory postulates that schools are like other on systems which o f necessity engage in various modes of exchamge with the environment (Katz & Kahn, 1966).The theory emphasizes the consideration of the relationships between the school and its environment as well as what goes on within the school (Hall, 1977). The systems theory is basically concerned with the problems of relationships, of structures and of interdependence, rather with the constant attributes of objects (Katz & Kahn, 1966). The fundamental concept in the general systems theory is the caprice of emergence and interaction. As adapted in this study the systems theory holds that management actions influence the internal efficiency of a school.That staffing and control of students admissions coordination of tenet and acquire resources, school fees budgeting and leadership styles adopted in school influence the trim outs and repetition rates, and promotion rates and general climate in a school. In the application of the systems theory to this study on the effect of management/ leade rship styles on teacher and student performance the variables will be identified as follows 1. Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims (Koontz and Weihrich 1990, p. ). This basic explanation means several things. First, as principals, carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Secondly, managing is concerned with productivity this implies effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness and efficiency is the ability of the school to hold or reduce, to as low as possible, the glomout and repetition rates, increase consummation and promotion rates and to produce high outcomes that is good academic performance and no wastage.It also ensures that students do it an educational cycle in the possible minimum time. 2. Thus, management refers to the development of bureaucracy that derives its importance from the need for st rategic planning, co-ordination, directing and controlling of large and complex decision-making process. Essentially, therefrom, management entails the acquisition of managerial competence, and effectiveness in the following key areas problem solving, administration, human resource management, and school leadership.First and foremost, management is about solving problems that keep emerging all the time in the course of an organization (school) struggling to achieve its goals and objectives. hassle solving will be accompanied by problem identification, analysis and the implementation of remedies to managerial problems. Second, administration involves following laid down procedures (although procedures or rules should not be seen as ends in themselves) for the execution, control, communication, delegation and crisis management.Third, human resource management should be based on strategic integration of human resource, assessment of workers, and exchange of ideas between stakeholder s, teachers and workers. Finally, school leadership should be developed along lines of interpersonal relationship, teamwork, self-motivation to perform, emotional strength and maturity to handle situations, personal integrity, and general management skills. However, in adopting the systems theory of organizations this study, the tec is not base of its shortcomings.The interrelationships among parts of a system have to be recognized and mum by all people involved. This theory also requires a divided up vision so that all people in the school have an idea of what they are hard to accomplish. It requires a cohesive effort from all participants, a task that is not easy to achieve especially where all is involved. Conceptual frame work In the conceptual framework depict in the figure above the management or leadership style is hypothesized to influence the teachers and student performance.Management or leadership style is defined as having managerial competence and effectiveness in t he following key areas problem solving, administration, human resource management, and school leadership that is being able to carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling and teacher and student performance as early syllabus coverage motivated staff reporting to work early and leaving work place late, no school drop outs, no repletion cases, there is increased completion rates and good academic results in national examinations.The frame work postulates that managerial competence and effectiveness in leadership will affect the rate of drop outs, repetition, completion rates and academic performance of students in a school. However, this relationship may be modified by age, faith of the staff, background as well as families from which the staff comes from. Chapter Two (2) Literature review 2. 0Introduction This chapter discusses the books related to the effect of management/leadership style on teachers and student performance.It par ticularly straines on the relationship between the demographic characteristics of principals and teachers and school performance, establish whether performance in Nyamira North District secondary schools is dependent on the management or leadership styles, establish whether performance in secondary schools in Nyamira North District is dependent on the autocratic leadership style, democratic leadership style, transformational leadership style and situational or contingency leadership style, elicit the viewpoints of head teachers, teachers and students on the preferred leadership styles and make recommendations for the improvement of schools on the basis of an analysis of leadership styles. These are considered the pillars of the study. In this chapter, the researcher reviews literature related to management/leadership styles and its effects on school performance. The review is conceptualized under the objectives and focuses mainly on autocratic leadership style, democratic leadershi p style and situational or contingency leadership style and their relationship with teachers and students performance. 2. 0 Transformational leadership Bush (2003) links three leadership models to his collegiate management model. The first of these is transformational leadership.This form of leadership assumes that the central focus of leadership ought to be the commitments and capacities of organisational members. Higher levels of personal commitment to organisational goals and greater capacities for accomplishing those goals are assumed to result in extra effort and greater productivity. (Leithwood et al. 1999 9). Leithwood (1994) conceptualizes transformational leadership along eight dimensions Building school vision Establishing school goals providing intellectual stimulation Offering individualized support mildew best practices and important organizational values Demonstrating high performance expectations Creating a productive school culture Developing structures to foster participation in school decisions.Caldwell and Spinks (1992 4950) argue that transformational leadership is essential for autonomous schools Transformational leaders succeed in gaining the commitment of followers to such a storey that higher levels of accomplishment become virtually a moral imperative. In our view a powerful capacity for transformational leadership is required for the favored transition to a system of self-managing schools. Leithwoods (1994) research suggests that there is some empirical support for the essentially normative transformational leadership model. He reports on seven quantitative studies and concludes that transformational leadership practices, considered as a composite construct, had significant direct and indirect effects on progress with school-restructuring initiatives and teacher- perceived student outcomes (p. 506).The transformational model is comprehensive in that it provides a normative approach to school leadership, which focuses prim arily on the process by which leaders seek to influence school outcomes rather than on the nature or direction of those outcomes. However, it may also be criticised as being a vehicle for control over teachers and more likely to be accepted by the leader than the led ( chirichello 1999). Allix (2000) goes further and alleges that transformational leadership has the potential to become despotic because of its strong, wondrous and charismatic features. He believes that the leaders power ought to raise moral qualms and serious doubts about its appropriateness for democratic organisations. Transformational leadership is consistent with the collegial model in that it assumes that leaders and staff have shared values and common interests.When it works well, it has the potential to engage all stakeholders in the achievement of educational objectives. The aims of leaders and followers coalesce to such an extent that it may be realistic to assume a harmonious relationship and a genuine conv ergence leading to agreed decisions. When transformation is a inter for imposing leaders or governments values, then the process is political rather than collegial. 2. 2 The situational or contingency leadership style The situational theory stipulates that leaders are the product of given situations. Thus, leadership is strongly affected by the situation from which the leader emerges and in which he operates. The contingency theory is a combination of the Trait Theory and Situational Theory.The theory implies that leadership is a process in which the ability of a leader to exercise influence depends upon the group task situation and the degree to which the leaders personality tog the group (Sybil, 2000). 2. 3Autocratic leadership style The autocratic leadership style is also cognise as the authoritarian style of leadership. Power and decision-making reside in the autocratic leader. The autocratic leader directs group members on the way things should be do. The leader does not ma intain clear channel of communication between him/her and the subordinates. He or she does not delegate authority nor permit subordinates to participate in policy-making (Smylie and Jack, 1990 Hoy and Miskel, 1992 Olaniyan, 1997). 2. 4Democratic style of leadershipThe democratic style of leadership emphasizes group and leader participation in the making of policies. Decisions about organizational matters are arrived at after consultation and communication with various people in the organization. The leader attempts as much as possible to make each individual feel that he is an important member of the organization. confabulation is multidirectional while ideas are exchanged between employees and the leader (Heenan and Bennis, 1999). In this style of leadership, a high degree of staff morale is always enhanced (Mba, 2004). Performance Performance is described in various ways. It is an act of accomplishing or executing a given task (Okunola, 1990).It can also be described as the abili ty to combine skillfully the right behaviour towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives (Olaniyan, 1999). Teachers job performance is described as the duties performed by a teacher at a particular period in the school system in achieving organizational goals (Obilade, 1999). It can also be described as the ability of teachers to combine applicable inputs for the enhancement of teaching and learning processes (Akinyemi, 1993 Okeniyi, 1995). However, Peretemode (1996) argued that job performance is determined by the workers level of participation in the day to day running of the organization. It is historied that employees behave differently under different situations. 2. Summary It is underpinned by the view that leaders should have an entitlement to appropriate preparation and support for their important and onerous role in leading educational change. To appoint school principals without precise preparation is a gamble, and we should not gamble with childrens e ducation. The literature review tends to give reasons for the enhanced global interest in the role of school leaders. It assesses the differences among the various leadership/management styles, and argues that all are essential if schools and colleges are to thrive. It also emphasizes the secern that effective leadership is critical to school improvement.While the importance of leadership/management style is increasingly recognized, much less is known about which leadership behaviours are most likely to promote self-made schooling. The study will examine the various models of leadership and assess the evidence of their effectiveness. There is great interest in instructional leadership because of the general view that the main function of schools is to promote student learning. Transformational leadership is astray advocated because of its potential to harness stakeholder support for the schools (or leaders) vision but there is some concern that this may be a vehicle for imposin g leaders, or governments, priorities on teachers, pupils and communities. These and other models that have been highlighted above are subject to scrutiny in this study. 2. 6 ConclusionsPrincipals can therefore encourage effective performance of their teachers by identifying their needs and trying to satisfying or meeting them. Supporting this argument, Owoeye (1999) asserted that variables of job performance such as effective teaching, lesson note preparation, effective use of scheme of work, effective supervision, monitoring of students work and disciplinal ability are virtues which teachers should stay effectively in the school system. In this regard, the teachers performance can be measured through annual report of his/her activities in terms of performance in teaching, lesson preparation, lesson presentation, mastery of subject matter, competence, teachers commitment to job and extra-curricula activities.Other areas of assessment include effective leadership, effective superv ision, effective monitoring of students work, motivation, class control and disciplinary ability of the teachers. From the above researches done the effect of the leadership or management style adopted by principals in secondary schools has not been well researched on and as such not much is known whether it is the style the principals adopt that affects the performance standards or whether there are other issues in management in the secondary schools of Nyamira North District. There is a widespread belief that raising standards of leadership and management is the key to improving schools. Increasingly, this is cerebrate to the need to prepare and develop leaders for their demanding roles.While this is the main focus of this study, a prior question is the nature of leadership/ management in schools. Which leadership behaviours are most likely to produce favourable school and learner outcomes? The study intends to examine the main models of school leadership and from the research co nsider the evidences on their relative effectiveness in promoting school improvement. 3. 0 methodological analysis This chapter presents a detailed commentary of the research methodology. Methodology refers to the detailed procedure to be followed to realize the research objectives. Methodology include a description of the research design, sampling techniques, instructions as well as selective knowledge techniques.It describes in details what will be done and how it will be done. it comprises several sub-sections which are usually presented in the order given below. 3. 1 Research design This study will be conducted through discipline research design. Correlation is a research design where the researcher determines whether or not and not to what extent an association exists between two or more paired and qualified variables. In this study the researcher will use semi structured interview method that places open finish question constituting of various management and leadership st yles assessment and the effect /impact it has on teacher and student performance.The survey will be done in terms of their leadership and management styles that they use in school and the effect it has on teacher and student performance by means of percentile ratio of every management and leadership style and range those from highest to lowest from within survey questionnaire. Correlation will enable the researchers to provide vigorous and replicable procedure for understanding relationship and determination whether and to what degree a relationship exists between quantifiable variables. The locale of the study will be Nyamira North District in Nyamira County 3. 2 Population and Sampling 3. 2. 1 Target /Accessible PopulationThe fundament nation will consist of all 38 principals 360 teachers and 9000 student in Nyamira North District in Nyamira County has 38 secondary schools and they have constantly performed dismally in the national examination for the last 20 years. It is there fore considered appropriate for providing a focal point for the study of effect of leadership and management styles on the teacher and student performance. 3. 2. 2 Sample The sample will consist of heterogeneous respondents selected from the post creation. 25 schools will be selected and from each selected school three categories of the send group will be targeted. These categories will be selected as one principal, 4 teachers and 12 students.The size of the sample will be 425 respondents distributed as 25 principals, 100 teachers, and 300 students. This number 425 has been chosen using non-mathematical or convenience method determined at the discretion of the researcher, due to military press of time that cannot allow for all the target population to be surveyed. 3. 2. 3 Sampling techniques This study will employ stratified sampling, ergodic sampling, purposive sampling, and convenience sampling techniques. class-conscious sampling technique will be used to select schools an d the category of respondents to be include in the sample. Stratified sampling technique is a technique that identifies subgroups in the population and their proportions and select from each subgroup to form the sample.It groups a population into separate homogenous subsets that share similar characteristics so as to ensure equitable representation of the population in the sample the sample. It aims at proportionate representation with a view of accounting for the difference in subgroup characteristics. The researcher is convinced that the target population is not invariant since mixed and single sex school and day and boarding schools do not necessary have similar characteristics, since even personnel in different departments within the same school environment may not always think similarly. As such the target accessible populations cannot be regarded as homogenous.Stratified sampling technique will therefore be used to ensure that the target population is divide into different ho mogenous strata and that each strata is represented in the sample in a proportion equivalent to this size in the accessible population. Simple random sampling will be used to select a deterrent example sample without bias from the target population this will ensure that each school and its population has equal and independent chance of being included in the sample. Purposive sampling will be used by the researcher consciously to decide who to include in the sample in terms of getting focused information. This will also help to stay fresh time and money in cases where the target population may be widely spread. 3. 3 Data Collection 3. 3. 1 InstructionsThe study will use questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis as the main tools for assemblage entropy. The pickaxe of these tools have been guided by the nature of data to be collected, the time available as well as by the objectives of the study. The overall aim of this study is to establish the relationship between leader ship and management styles on the teacher and student performance. The researcher is mainly concerned with views, opinions, perceptions, feelings and attitudes. Such information can best collected through the use of questionnaire and interview techniques (Bell, 1993 Touliatos &Compton, 1988) The researcher intends to use semi-structured instrument.This will enable the researcher to equilibrize between the quality and quantity of data collection and provide more information. This delicate balance between the quality and quantity of information is useful for a ladened explanation of the phenomena under investigation. Questionnaire will be used since the study is concerned with variables that cannot be directly observed such as views, opinions perceptions and feelings of the respondents. Such information are best collected through questionnaire (Touliatos &Compton 1988) the sample size is also quite large (510) and given the time constraints, questionnaire is the ideal tool for colle cting data.The target population is also largely literate and is unlikely to have difficulties responding to questionnaire items. 3. 3. 2 Research procedure Qualitative data will be collected from 425, respondents/interviewees/observant, from 9398 target population during the month of October 2011 using questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. The data will be collected by the researcher himself because this will unless time and lower the cost of collecting data. 3. 4 Quality fancy The instrument will be piloted in the schools that will not be included in the study sample and modified to improve their asperity and reliability coefficients to at least 0. 70. Items hardness and reliability coefficients of at least 0. 0 are accepted as valid and reliable in research (Kathuri &Pals, 1993) Validity is the extent to which research results can be accurately interpreted and generalized to other populations. It is the extent to which research instruments measure what they are i ntended to measure (Oso &Onen, 2005). To establish validity the instrument will be given to two experts to evaluate the relevance of each item in the instruments objectives. The experts will rate each item on the Likert scale very relevant (4) quite relevant (3) somewhat relevant (2) and not relevant (1). Validity will be determined using content validity index (C. V. I). C. V. I items rated 3or4 by both judges divided by the total number of items in the questionnaire. 3. 5 Data Analysis Chi-square ( mental testing of goodness of fit will be used to analyze the data. Chi square test is a statistical technique used to equalize the different between categorical frequencies drawn from population with a uniform distribution which all alternative responses are equally likely chi-square( ) test of goodness of fit will be used because the data that the researcher intends to collect is of the type one-variable-many levels and are basically categorical frequencies of the description o f views, opinions ,perceptions, feelings and attitudes of the respondents on the effects of management and leadership styles of principals on teacher and student performance.Chi-square is the most sustainable here since it will enable the researcher to identify whether there is any significant difference in the frequencies of the alternative responses. Data from open-added questionnaire items, interviews and group discussions will be grouped under broad themes and converted into frequence counts. All data will be analyzed at a level of deduction of 95% or ? = 0. 05) the degrees of freedom depending on the particular case as will be determined. This value (? = 0. 05) has been chosen because the sample size has been adopted from figures calculated on the basis of 0. 95 level of confidence. 3. 6 Assumption and Limitations The following factors leaner characteristics, and teacher qualifications are anticipate to influence the DV.The extraneous variable however many not be adequately controlled because the respondents are found in different institutions that are out of control of the researcher. But they will not have a significance effects on the results because the respondents opinions, views perceptions, feelings attitudes will not be influenced by EV. It is therefore assured that they influence will remain very insignificance. The major limitations of this study are the reliability and validity of the data collected due to the various views, opinions, feelings and attitudes that can emotionally be influenced. If all factors were kept constant, the researcher should adequately explain to the respondents to be very objective in answering.But this was the most fit technique in the circumstances the data to be collected involves what can not easily be measured. 3. 7 Ethical Considerations. The major honorable problem in this study is the privacy and confidentiality of the respondents. Obtaining lists and files and respondents giving their opinion, feeling and a ttitudes in writing the questionnaire which itself is an infringement. However the respondents will have the freedom to ignore items that they do not wish to respondent to. Reference and Biography 1. Bell, J (1993) how to complete your research project successfully New Delhi UBSPD. 2. Creswell, J. W (1994) Research bearing Qualitative and Quantitative approaches . California SAGE Publications, Inc. 3. Kathuri, N. J & Pals A.D (1993) introduction to educational research Egerton Egerton university education Burk services. 4. Onen, D (2007). The management and the internal efficiency of private secondary school in Uganda. 5. Touliatos, J. S &Compton, N. H (1988). Research methods in human ecology /home economics. Iowa State University Press/AMES. 6. Willis Yuko Oso and David Onen a normal Guide to Writing Research Proposal and Report (2nd edition 2008) Makerere University Printery 7. outhouse Aluko Orodho,Phd. Elements of Education and Social Science Research methods. Kanejza Publis hers, Maseno Kenya. 8. John Aluko Orodho,Phd. Techniques of Writing Research Proposal and Reports in Education and Social Sciences. Kanejza Publishers, Maseno Kenya

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