
Monday, March 18, 2019

Fly Away Peter by David Malouf :: Fly Away Peter David Malouf

pilot Away Peter by David Malouf is a powerful fight story in which the author has used contrasting settings and strong signic representation to clearly render his own ideas and opinions of war, and further the contributors understanding of the text. Jim is an innocent young man, living on the coast of Queensland. In this peaceful township, everybody is happy and at peace with themselves and with nature. The plenty hump the simple pleasures of flavor - nature, birds, and friendly neighbourly conversations. Their days argon filled with peaceful walks in the bush, bird watching and fishing. Jim and his friends especially enjoy the serenity of the sanctuary and the wonders of nature that it holds. When the war breaks out, this tranquil little town seems like the last place on earth that could produce a team of vicious, violent soldiers. Soon we see Jim thrown into a in all contrasting world, full of violence and fighting, and the strong dissimilarity between his hometown and this new(a) war-stricken country is emphasised. The position that the original setting is so diversely arctic to that if the war setting, the harsh reality of the horror of war is demonstrated. The birds show symbolism in more than one way throughout the text. As the soldiers atomic number 18 travelling from all over the world to fight for their countries in the war, the birds are similarly migrating for the change of seasons. The birds however, go forth all be returning, and many of the soldiers will never return home again. This is a very powerful message, which helps the reader to understand the loss and sorrow that is experienced through war. Even when Jim is in this awful war-stricken place, one thing that he can still descry comfort in, and which reminds him of his peaceful home is the birds, which are everywhere, still living their lives immune by mans war. This shows how nature is unaltered by mans cruel antics against other man, and how life and nature must, and wil l go on through all circumstances. The symbol of earth also shows significant symbolism in different part of the text. When Jim is dying, and begins to hallucinate, the action he sees of men digging in the earth represents the fact that Jim feels like he is finally escaping the war - which in one way, he is - and going home. This helps the reader to understand how passionately Jim wants to be out of the war and back at home, how many of the soldiers would have felt during the war.

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