
Monday, March 4, 2019

Character Development in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

Writers usually make use of and mix real literary elements into their novels in order to make character study possible. Literary elementsConflict, Theme, and Symbolismwere employed by dyad, Austen, and Potok in varying levels as well as executed using their own literary styles and techniques in order to show the characters development and growth throughout the novels. In The Adventures of huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, huck braved that eras well-disposed conventions (including his own face-to-face prejudices) by associating with a sear man and later helping that person escape from sla truly. Jane Austens Emma is a lighthearted story intimately a spring chicken womans disastrous foray into the pursuit of amative matchmaking. It shows how Emmas false presumptions can involution with the real intentions of the throng whose lives she meddles with, and how her mislead actions can create unfavorable results. In Chaim Potoks My Name is Asher Lev, the young man, Asher, was emb roiled in the clash surrounded by his passion and the sensibilities of his family and religious congregation. The Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn presents mixer conditions and attitudes during the late 1800s in America, particularly that towards racism. It chronicles the adventures and misadventures of Huck wherein he faces numerous honorable and ethical dilemmas. And just give cargon Twains novel, Austens Emma is a study on the sensibilities and social norms of her date. It branchs the story of Emma, a rich and well-favored girl with a hoi polloi of idle time on her hands. Although she lives a trouble-free feel, it is uneventful and devoid of excitementshe is a woman, hence, she has no authorized c atomic number 18er prospects. provided then Emma snatchs that she has a knack for matching couples.She discovers that this campaign provides her with great amusement so she goes off pairing up the pack around her. Lastly, Asher, in My Name is Asher Lev, struggles as he is confronted by devil cultural influencesthat of the Orthodox Jewish subculture that he grew up in, and that of the pervasive, lay westerly culture. He is presented with the dilemma of choosing between art and his religion. Just like Hucks and Emmas stories, Ashers story chronicles his quest for truth and self-discovery. galore(postnominal) authors use the element of conflict to bring rough and affirm certain facets of a protagonists character. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces the conflict between the societys expectations and what his conscience tells him is skillful when he is given the hazard to help Jim, a black man, escape. He struggles to see beyond the black stereotypewhat the society has taught him to be right. In the end, Huck chooses to follow what his conscience dictatesthat Jim is a human being who deserves the same rights as everybody else. He admits about Jim I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for theirn (T wain, 1999, p. 141). In the end, Huck developed a pure, undiscriminating sense of morality that m some(prenominal) people of that era did not posses. In the novel Emma, the conflict lies in Emmas inability to understand the true desires and intentions of the people around her, including her own. Emma does not sack up this, and fancies herself as a good matchmaker, and as Austen describes in one episode, Emma was nonsensical herself in the regard of the blunders which often arise from a partial noesis of luck, of the mistakes which people of high pretensions to judgment are for ever falling into (Austen, 2003, p. 89).Ironically, what Emma thinks of new(prenominal) people (as evinced in the previous sentence), actually applies to her. In the end, Emma gets that its no good making decisions for others and manipulating their lives because only they know and therefore should decide whats best for them. This discovery also leads her to mature and develop emotionally, and in the en d, makes her realize what her heart truly desires. In his novel, My Name is Asher Lev, Potok portrays the kind of pain and emotional anguish one can carry when one chooses to embrace those things that follow in conflict with ones upbringing and religious ideologies. In a lecture wherein he reveals the analysis to his novels, which included My Name is Asher Lev, Potok states Ideas from this secular world inevitably impinge upon an several(prenominal) born in a church community or a synagogue community, especially when that individual embarks on a college experience (Potok, 1896, par. 7).As a young boy, Asher tries to work shift free from the conservative Hasidic community that shuns the very thing that he was passionate aboutart. However, his dream is met with condemnation from almost everyone around him, including his family.The side bloodline litany succinctly expresses the kind of backlash and emotional turmoil this conflict has brought upon him So strong row are being writte n and spoken about me I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family, my friends, my people also, I am a mocker of ideas sacred to Christians (Potok, 2003, p. 3). Another point of conflict deals with Ashers relationship with his father. Amidst the weight of the conflict bearing down on him, Asher chooses his own path and tries to discover his own truths. By confronting these issues, he grows as a human being, artistically and emotionally. champion dominant theme in the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is that of racism and slavery. The novel is set in a time where blacks are considered to be no more than property. As the story develops, so does Hucks character and value-system.Eschewing the societal and cultural norms of the time, he adopts a different moral outlook towards the people around him, especially when he decides to help a black man escape from slavery. In a climactic episode, Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson, Jims owner, to te ll her where Jim was, precisely then tears up the letter and says to himself All right then, Ill go to hell (Twain, 1999, p. 193)here, he finally decides to ignore social convention and help Jim. Marriage is a major theme in the novel, Emma. In the 1800s, marriage was one of the most important concerns for women, especially since they were financially dependent on men and could not have their own careers. Emma takes this into consideration when planning her match-ups and decides on unions which will yield the best material usefulness for both parties. However, Emma eschews the idea of marriage for herselfwhen her father tells her not to do any more match-making, Emma replies I promise you to make none for myself, papa but I must, indeed, for other people. It is the greatest amusement in the world (Austen, 2003, p. 10). exclusively in the end, she realizes that she too can fall in love, after all. One important theme in My Name is Asher Lev is that of Individualism. This was explo red in the context of Ashers adolescent struggle to assert his identity in an environment that rejects the very thing that makes him stand out. When an uncle compares his work that of Chagall, he replies No, my progress to is Asher Lev (Potok, 2003, p. 313). Asher is a vaticinator and has prodigious painting skills, but he is pressured to conform to the conventions of his society. He tries to discover his role as an artist and reconcile it with his faiththis paves the way to his own(prenominal) development, not to mention the realization of his gifts significance. In Twains novel, the Mississippi river figures greatly in the story. It is used to symbolize life the rivers ebbs and flowsits movementshows the ever-changing nature of life. The changing tides causes Huck and Jim to enumerate in contact with different people and positions. It represents mans efficiency to changethe same way Hucks attitude and nature changed to embrace the greater morality regarding human existence. Its also a emblematic representation of freedomin the confines of the raft, they are safe. They are in a world where laws do not apply, far from the reaches of society. Huck says We said there warnt no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so secure up and smothery, but a raft dont. You feel decently free and easy and comfortable on a raft (Twain, 1999, p. 107). In Emma, charades and word games are symbolic of the misunderstandings in the story. The same way that its hard to guess the intimations and desires of the other characters in the novel, word games are meant to be elusiveone can easily go wrong and see a totally different meaning. In a gathering, Frank makes words for the ladies to decode, but each lady attaches different interpretations to them.Such is Emmas situation she does not perceive everyones feelings correctly so she makes a lot of false assumptions. This is more evident when she tries to hook-up Harriet and Mr. Eltonshe construes Mr. Eltons words an d actions as proofs of his cheering for Harriet, when in fact it is Emma the he is interested in. When she finds out, she woefully reflects The pictureHow importunate he had been about the pictureand the charadeand an hundred other circumstanceshow clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet (Austen, 2003, p. 106). Symbolism, particularly those in paintings, also plays a significant part in the novel, My Name is Asher Lev. Paintings were used to convey the overturn and intangible Asher said I worked for what? How could I explain it? For beauty? No, many an(prenominal) of the pictures I painted were not beautiful. For what, then? For a truth I did not know how to put in words. For a truth I could only bring to life by means of colour and line and texture and form (Potok, 2003, p. 369) In his controversial painting, Asher uses the crucifiction scene as a symbolism of his mothers sufferings, much to the chagrin of his religious community. But even with all the antagonism towards a rt, he feels that painting was but a natural way to express his feelings. Literary elements give writers the means to acoustic projection the qualities as well as develop the personalities of their characters. All protagonists in the aforesaid(prenominal) books were presented with points of conflict that each of them must address and contend with. Various symbolic representations, those that attribute certain intangible meanings to things, events, and other sensuous manifestations, were also use in order to highlight the protagonists personal issues and struggles. Thematic concepts tell what the stories are about and help reveal how each character progresses.ReferencesAusten, J. (2003). Emma. New York Oxford University Press.Potok, C. (2003). My name is Asher Lev. New York Random House.Potok, C. (1986). On being proud of uniqueness. (J. Gladson, Ed.) In La Sierra University website. Retrieved July 24, 2006, from http//www.lasierra.edu/ballen/potok/Potok. unique.html.Twain, M. (1 999). The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York Oxford University Press.

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